Cute modest clothing for every day- not just Sundays!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tips for Natural Looking Makeup for School or Work

Natural Makeup: What is it?

One of the very best things about makeup is that it can be an outlet for expressing your creative side, as well as for improving your appearance. However, there's a time and a place for more outrageous makeup looks- bright purple, glittery smokey eyes with thick winged eyeliner and hot pink lipstick may be fun to put on, but you probably shouldn't wear them to church at 9 in the morning. A natural makeup look is one that emphasizes the color of your hair, eyes, and skin to highlight your very best features in a way that's appealing and appropriate for settings like school or the workplace. Below is an example of me wearing natural makeup, and you'll notice I didn't skimp on color. It's still fairly obvious that I'm wearing makeup, but the colors are all soft, rosey hues that complement my natural coloring.

Natural modest makeup
Okay, so this has an Instagram filter on it, but you get the picture

Tips on Achieving a Natural Makeup Look

  • Choose Foundation/Concealer/Powder Within One Shade of Your Skin Tone: This may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the biggest mistakes that women make is to buy face makeup that is far too dark because they believe it will make them look more "healthy". Choosing foundation, powder, or concealer that is too dark for your face doesn't make you look healthy- it just makes you look unnaturally orange! You'll look much healthier and avoid the illusion of jaundice if you stick to shades that are as close to your natural skin as possible. It's best to try and match around your jaw line or the inside of your wrist if you're unsure of what color to buy.
  • Go For a Light Dusting of Blush Instead of Thick Stripes: While many high fashion makeup looks use extremely pigmented or odd-colored blush to contour cheekbones, it's best to stick to a more diffused application for an everyday look. Start off with a light hand and a fluffy brush, and remember to always err on the side of blending more. You can always add more blush, but once you've applied it to your face it's much harder to remove. For a natural makeup look stick to pinks, roses, mauves, corals, and peaches, and avoid bright reds, purples, bright oranges, and magentas unless you have very dark skin. A good tip for choosing blush is to try and find a shade that matches closely to the color your face naturally turns when it flushes.
  • Aim For Bright, Open Eyes: Your goal for eye makeup when wearing a natural makeup look should be eyes that are big, bright, and open. One way you achieve this by using eyeliner in a gray or brown shade instead of black that is gently smudged into the upper lashline to give a softer look than liquid or thick pencil liner. Another way to open up the eye is to apply pale, shimmery eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eye and to blend it into a medium matte or shimmery shade on the rest of the lid. Finish the look off with a slightly darker shade softly blended into the crease and the outer corner of the eyes with a clean fluffy brush, and follow with a coat of lenghening and volumizing brown or black mascara. When choosing eyeshadow colors, it's best to stay with neutral tones, like gold, pale pink, bronze, taupe, cream, brown, etc.
  • Find your "My Lips But Better" Shade: Lately the makeup world has been obsessed with the My Lips But Better (MLBB) concept. The idea behind MLBB is that you find a lip product, such as a lipstick, lipgloss, or tinted lip balm, that is a slightly more pigmented version of the natural shade of your lips. It's meant to play up the natural coloring of your lips and take them to the next level. Sometimes with just clear lip balm lips can look washed out in comparison to a full face of makeup, but with an MLBB shade you can find a shade that suits your lip coloring perfectly and allows them to match your overall makeup look. It's alright to go a little darker when choosing an MLBB, but avoid selecting shades that are lighter than your natural lips, or else you may end up hiding what you meant to show off.

I love dramatic makeup, it can be tons of fun, but sometimes I like to play up the features that God gave me and focus less on hiding my skin, eyes, or lips with color and more on making them shine.  He made me this way for a reason, and I'm going to appreciate it more often! Cute modest clothing is one way to feel good about yourself, but putting your best face forward is another great way.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Tutorial: How to Fill in Your Eyebrows

I thought I would mix things up a bit today and post a short tutorial I made a few weeks ago on how to fill in your eyebrows! Makeup is a huge hobby of mine, and watching and reading makeup tutorials online is one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day of work and homework. I'm by no means a professional, but I've had a handful of people ask for an eyebrow tutorial, and decided to get over my camera-shyness and make one. I hope you enjoy it and learn something- let me know if this is something that you like, and I can post more tutorials in the future.

I've also recently revamped my Pinterest and added a ton of new pins with great modest fashion ideas, hair and makeup tutorials and looks, and inspiring quotes for when you need a pick me up. Check it out and follow me there- I'll be posting more soon!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Outfit of the Day: Sailor Stripes

Okay, confession time: I have a thing for nautical-themed outfits. Like, I may or may not own a straight-up sailor dress. And during my after work nap today I might have possibly been dreaming that I was Sailor Moon. I'm not going to confirm or deny any of this of course, because I am an adult woman with an office job and other grown-up things, but I'm just saying: if it became socially acceptable for me to dress like Donald Duck, plus pants, to work tomorrow I definitely would.

Cute modest clothing in stripes
Top: Target  Belt: Kohls  Skirt: DownEast

However, since there's a time and a place for everything (and an engineering firm is probably not the time or the place for a dress that would be more at home in a Japanese cartoon than at a receptionist's desk), I find other ways to add nautical details to my outfits. One of the most subtle ways to do this is sailor stripes, which are coincidentally really in style at the moment. There's just something summery and awesome about nautical stripes, even if you're living hours from the nearest coast. I've found six cute navy and white striped modest fashion options for spring, all $60 or under, if you feel like dipping your toes into this trend!

All links are affiliate links hosted through ShopSense. I would appreciate if you would click them, since this is a project for my web business class and I will be tracking the results for the semester. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Modest Moment: Skater Skirts

Skater skirts have been huge for the past year, and it seems like they'll be just as popular for this spring and summer. Known for their fitted waists and swingy bottoms, skater skirts are flattering for just about every build. But so many of them have super-short hemlines, so it can be a little depressing to go searching for them in stores or online if you're trying to dress modestly. Thankfully, I've done the legwork for you and found six adorable, affordably price skater skirts that won't leave you feeling exposed if you enjoy modest fashion!

All links are affiliate links hosted through ShopSense. I would appreciate if you would click them, since this is a project for my web business class and I will be tracking the results for the semester. Thanks!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Outfit of the Day: Red

Modest fashion blog owner

Cute modest fashion outfit with red dress
Dress:    Scarf: Vintage    Belt: Kohls   Heels: Kohls

This Sunday I decided to pull out my all-time-favorite dress (in exile at the back of my closet since I accidentally spilled candle wax on it at Christmas) and mix it up with an old accessory that hasn't seen the light of day in a few years. I bought this crocheted vintage scarf from Beacon's Closet in Williamsburg seven years ago and it was love at first sight. It was my go-to summer scarf for a long time, but my tastes changed as they are wont to do and it was relegated to my scarf hanger in the meantime. Somehow, after a few years, I couldn't find a way to work it into my outfits anymore, so I just kept to my pashminas or other more easily styled scarves.

I'm glad I took a second glance at it on Sunday morning, though. The brightness of the red dress really brings out the fine weave of the cream lace, and I love the swingy feel of the fringe (supposedly in vogue for FW 2015-2016, according to the fashion week roundups I've been catching up on). It's not very warm in Rexburg right now, but pairing a warm-toned dress with a delicate accessory tricked me into feeling like it was at least April, so I've picked out a few similar yet modest and fashionable pieces if you're fond of this look.

All links are affiliate links hosted through ShopSense. I would appreciate if you would click them, since this is a project for my web business class and I will be tracking the results for the semester. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Outfit of the Day: Working Blue Roses At Work

Cute modest clothing

Shoes to wear with cute modest clothing

This is pretty typical of the kind of outfits I wear to work each week- I'm an administrative assistant, so I'm the first face that clients see at my office and I want to look professional, but also still age-appropriate. One of the biggest challenges with dressing for a corporate setting, in my opinion, is that you can fall into a trap of drab colors, boxy cuts, and accessories that read as frumpy instead of tasteful, modest, and fashion forward. I'm still figuring it all out, but I've learned that if I play around with fun details ( like the big, bright floral print on my skirt and the metallic cut-out ballet flats that have become a staple of my wardrobe, no matter how cold it is outside) I can turn even the most conservative of office outfits into something that reads a little less like a worker bee and a little more like myself.

I've collected some tops, skirts, and accessories to help brighten up your workplace look. Pair these with neutral staples and go file those expense reports or answer the phones with a little more spring in your step.

All links are affiliate links hosted through ShopSense. I would appreciate if you would click them, since this is a project for my web business class and I will be tracking the results for the semester. Thanks!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dress Fiend

I'm a sucker for dresses- if I'm out clothes shopping, no matter how many dresses I already own, they're one of the first things I'm drawn to. I especially love dresses that I can wear year round, and whose look I can easily switch up with accessories like cardigans, scarves, and tights. I feel like there are tons of cute dresses out there, but so many of them have super short skirts, or no sleeves, or plunging necklines and backs. It can be so frustrating going dress shopping, because I know that I want to cover up my legs, or chest, or arms, a bit more than most fashion designers do. So what's a girl with an eye towards fashion and a heart towards modesty to do?

 I've picked out six dresses that are modest (and affordable- all of them are under $50!) as well as fashion forward. There's a good mix of styles here: floral and breezy, polka-dotted mod, lacy boho, bright jewel tones, and a bold, graphic print. I know these won't cover everyone's taste, but these are good places to start looking if you're in the market for a new daytime dress.

All links are affiliate links hosted through ShopSense. I would appreciate if you would click them, since this is a project for my web business class and I will be tracking the results for the semester. Thanks!